
What is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a type of retail sale that is characterized mainly because the retailer does not have the products in its facilities, but it is the wholesaler himself who is responsible for delivering the goods to the final customer. In a nutshell:

  • You receive an order in your online store.
  • You process this order through the online platform of OcioStock.
  • You provide us with your customer's details and delivery address.
  • This data is transmitted to the logistics platform of OcioStock
  • The order will be shipped the same day if it is confirmed before 12am.
  • Once the shipment has been prepared, you will be able to see the tracking number assigned by the transport company.
  • You can check the shipping costs here. They are applied according to the destination of the order.
  • We deliver to your customer within 48 to 96 hours depending on the transport chosen.
  • A signature is always required on delivery to ensure that the package is received correctly.

In OcioStock we have been working on the preparation of the dropshipping system for some time now. During this time we have cleaned up our system and we are proud to offer you a secure and reliable platform where you only have to worry about reaching the largest number of customers: we take care of the rest.

What is dropshipping

  • 1Offers our products

    Ociostock offers you more than 11.000 different references. You select the ones you want and publish them on your website, catalog, etc.

  • 2Your client buys and pays you

    When a customer buys, you directly receive the payment. Ociostock does not interfere at any time in your relationship with the end customer. Our customer is you.

  • 3Pay to Ociostock

    The next step is to place the order on the Ociostock platform. This will activate the machinery in our system and the delivery to your client will begin according to the data that you have given us.

  • 4Ociostock sends the order

    Finally, Ociostock sends the order to your client; On the same day, if you place the order before 12am. The package will not include any of our information.
    Remember: your client is yours.

What are the advantages of dropshipping?

The financial investment is extremely low. You will forget about purchases, storage, losses due to fixed stock, inventories, transport...

Spend almost 100% of your time promoting your store and keeping your customers happy. So they're sure to buy more!

Why is doing it with OcioStock even better?

  • The most important stock in Europe with the highest turnover brands. We have around 8.000 references in stock.
  • Availability of files to configure your online store, images, descriptions and stock synchronization in real time.
  • No minimum order or fees. You only buy what you've already sold.
  • Logistics managed by Spain's No. 1 in e-commerce, with a logistics efficiency of 99.5%.
  • OcioStock provides you with a recommended retail price for each item. It's up to you to turn it up or down.
  • Possibility of selling throughout Europe.
  • OcioStock offers you great business possibilities, we are a team of professionals ready to listen and help you.

What are the costs of the dropshipping service?

As a value-added service in your purchases, this has a small cost that will be reflected in the shopping cart when you are preparing your dropshipping order. The following is a breakdown of the cost according to the amount of the order.

Cost per order amount

From Even Cost
0 9,99€ 0,85€
10 19,99€ 0,99€
20 79,99€ 1,20€
80 99,99€ 1,99€
100 1.500 2,50€

How can i download the catalogue to synchronize it with my online shop?

If you wish to request access to the data feed with all our catalogue, you must do so from the following address form.

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