Privacy policy and legal notice

1. General information and identification of the owner of the website (hereinafter, "the website") is the website of the company OcioStock S.L.U. with NIF B09838848 and postal address: Calle Benito Pérez Galdós, 15 Arroyomolinos (Madrid, CP 28939), inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 24.482, Folio 79, Sheet M-440435.

2. Conditions of use

Navigation through the website attributes the condition of user and implies full acceptance, without reservations, of each and every one of the conditions included in this Legal Notice, conditions that could undergo changes. If you do not agree with any of the conditions contained in this notice, you must stop using it.

This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its extremes by Spanish law.

The conditions established below regulate the permitted use of the Web:

1.- Access

The access is public, although there can be certain parts of the Web whose access is reserved to the clients, by means of a user identifier and a password. Non-customer users may visit the public sections of the site and should never attempt to access the restricted access sections, unless they have been authorised to do so by assigning a user ID and password.

2.- Modifications of the page and interruptions or errors in the access

OcioStock S.L.U. reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, changes and updates of the information contained in the Web, the configuration and presentation of this and the conditions of access

3.- Contents and linked pages

OcioStock S.L.U. does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in access to the Web or its contents, nor that these are at all times updated. Neither does it guarantee the veracity, accuracy, exhaustiveness and actuality of the Contents.

The function of the links that may appear on this page is exclusively to inform users and customers about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet, where you can expand or complete the data offered on this page. OcioStock S.L.U. will not be responsible for the results obtained through these links.

In any case, OcioStock S.L.U. assumes no liability for the contents linked from its website, nor can guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the user, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason. It corresponds to the User, in any case, to have the appropriate tools for the detection and elimination of viruses or harmful computer programs.

Although the links are monitored regularly so that it does not happen, in the event that any user or third party considers that the content or services provided by the linked pages are illegal, violate constitutional values or principles, or injure property or rights of the user or a third party, please inform the company (email of this circumstance, and especially if the links consist of:

- Activities or contents susceptible of being considered criminal under Spanish criminal law
- Activities or contents that violate intellectual or industrial property rights.
- Activities or contents that endanger public order, criminal investigation, public security and national defence.
- Activities or content that endanger the protection of public health, respect for human dignity, the principle of non-discrimination, the protection of health and childhood or any other constitutional value or principle.

4.- Use of the Web by the user

The User undertakes to use the Web and its contents in accordance with current legislation, these Terms of Use and any other notice or instruction brought to their knowledge, either by means of this legal notice or anywhere else within the Contents that make up the Web, as well as with the rules of coexistence, morality and generally accepted good customs. To this effect, the User undertakes and undertakes not to use any content of the Web for illegal purposes, prohibited or harmful to the rights and interests of others, or in any way may damage, disable, overburden, impair or prevent the normal use of Content, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment owned or contracted by OcioStock S.L.U., other customers or any Internet user (hardware and software).

OcioStock S.L.U. is not obliged to check or verify the identity of Clients or the validity, completeness or authenticity of the data they provide, and is not responsible for the possible consequences of any breach or noncompliance, by the Client, of these Terms of Use.

5.- Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The property of the Web, its contents and domain names corresponds to OcioStock S.L.U., extending the rights of intellectual property on the Web to the title, logo, design, images or any other content of the same, being all of them protected according to the Law of Intellectual Property and other Spanish and international legislation in force in the matter.

Likewise, OcioStock S.L.U. is the owner of the industrial property rights derived from the use of trademarks, distinctive signs and commercial names that appear on the Web.

OcioStock S.L.U. reserves the rights of reproduction, modification, adaptation, public communication, maintenance, cession, sale, rental, loan, correction of errors and any other right of intellectual or industrial property that may correspond to the contents of the Web, prohibiting the exercise of the above rights without the express authorization of the company, based on the conditions and terms established by it, which reserves the exercise of any actions are appropriate for the defense of their rights.

In no case, the Web will be responsible for the possible infractions that in the matter of intellectual or industrial property can commit any Client or user of the page.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, any natural or legal person is authorized to establish links to the Web on its pages, provided that it is clearly and expressly indicated, firstly, the linked site (the Web) and, secondly, that it is a link to a document external and alien to the web that includes or provides the same.

Política de gestión de Cookies

Utilizamos cookies propias para el correcto funcionamiento del sitio. Además, se utilizan otras de terceros que analizan cómo se usan nuestros servicios para mejorar la experiencia de usuario, divulgar ofertas comerciales personalizadas o realizar análisis de tus hábitos de navegación. Pulsa el botón para aceptarlas o “Elegir / Bloquear” para configurar y poder bloquearlas.

Puedes revisar toda la información y retirar tu consentimiento en cualquier momento desde nuestra Política de cookies.

Cookies policy Elegir / Bloquear

Confirma tu elección

Si aceptas, se guardarán cookies en tu navegador que posteriormente pueden ser leídas. Estas cookies nunca te identificarán de forma directa, pero almacenarán información acerca de ti, de tus preferencias y/o tu dispositivo y se usarán para darte una experiencia web más dirigida y personalizada, tanto en rendimiento como a nivel comercial.

Cookies estrictamente necesarias

Estas cookies son necesarias para que el sitio web funcione correctamente y no se desactivarán aunque rechaces las cookies. Están configuradas para mantener tu sesión de usuario activa, utilizar el carrito de compra, rellenar formularios. Estas cookies no guardan información personal sensible.

Cookies dirigidas

Son colocadas por nuestros socios o por nosotros con fines publicitarios. Gracias a ellas, se puede crear un perfil de tus intereses para ajustar mejor los anuncios que visualizas. La cantidad de anuncios seguirá siendo la misma, pero será publicidad más de tu gusto. Estas cookies no almacenan ninguna información personal, sino que utilizan identificadores anónimos de tu navegador y dispositivo con el que accedes a internet. Si no carga estas cookies los anuncios que recibas serán más genéricos.

Cookies analíticas

Estas son principalmente estadísticas. Nos permiten contar la visitas de nuestra web, fuentes, medios, navegación... Así podemos optimizar mejor nuestro sitio web sabiendo qué páginas son más populares y cuales necesitamos mejorar. Toda la información que recaban estas cookies es anónima y puramente estadística. Si deseas bloquear estas cookies no sabremos si nuestra web es visitada.

Confirmar tus preferencias

Respetamos tu privacidad, por lo que puede escoger no permitirnos usar las cookies dirigidas y análiticas navegando tan solo con las estrictamente necesarias. Sin embargo, tu experiencia de usuario o servicio que te ofrecemos podrá verse mermado.

Si deseas navegar solo con las cookies necesarias pulsa: BLOQUEAR COOKIES